2018 NAPLAN机考到底是什么样子的?(图)
2018 NAPLAN机考到底是什么样子的? 阿朱带你来看。
这是两个9年级NAPLAN数学考试的试题练习sample,堪培拉时代报(The Canberra Times)让报社记者们做了一下,结果大家纷纷表示很难,这其中反映了澳洲真实的数学水平,难怪有位网友对阿朱说,因为澳洲的基础教育数理化水平的薄弱和整个国家对理工科的不重视,她老公整天忧心忡忡说要拯救澳洲,哈哈哈,我们真是为这个国家操碎了心。
5 X ? + 15 = 85 Answers: 2, 10, 14, or 20?
Correct answer: 14
A rule for y in terms of x is y = 6 - 4x. When x = 3.75 the value of y is? Answers: -9, -1.75, 7.5, 9?
Correct answer: -9
七年级学生 Luca Hrstic 靠着突击学习来为NAPLAN做准备。他是 St Mary MacKillop College 的学生,将来希望自己能成为一名律师。他和全国上百万三年级、五年级、七年级和九年级的学生们一起参加了上周的NAPLAN全国统考。而今年13岁的Luca说,我的学习方法是,规定十分钟来学习,然后十分钟放松,比如说看看Youtube视频之类的。
上周的全国统考 - 英语和算术,第一次使用了机考。
Luca的同学 Katie Williams 说她在做练习题的时候听音乐:我经常一边做作业一边听音乐,因为那样我会平静下来并且做的很开心。
七年级学生 St Mary McKillop College - Luca Hrstic and Katie Williams
Photo: Sitthixay Ditthavong
St Mary MacKillop College是首都特区(ACT)106所进行NAPLAN机考的学校之一,在首都特区的所有公立学校今年都参加了NAPLAN机考,而有10所独立学校(私立学校)今年仍然采取传统的纸质试卷。
校长 Michael Lee 说不应该由 NAPLAN成绩、ATAR成绩,或者别的奖项和排名来定义 学校和学生是怎样的。“学校非常欢迎NAPLAN提供的庞大的数据,由此在教学、评估、师资培训和人员安排上运用这些数据,而这往往是被忽略的NAPLAN价值所在。”
1. Peter wants to paint his bedroom walls. What information will best help him decide how much paint to buy?
volume of room
capacity of room
perimeter of all walls
area of all walls
2. A rule for y in terms of x is y = 6 – 4x. When x = 3.75 the value of y is
- 9
- 1.75
3. Which of these are always equal in length?
the opposite sides of a trapezium
the opposite sides of a parallelogram
the diagonals of a trapezium
the diagonals of a parallelogram
4. Sally has seen four movies. The ticket prices were $13, $8, $10 and $10. The next movie she plans to see is in 3D and the ticket price is $34. Which of these will not change after Sally sees the next movie?
the median of her ticket prices
the mean of her ticket prices
the range of her ticket prices
the total cost of her tickets
5. A rectangular sheet of paper had a width of 841 millimetres. Its area was 1 square metre. What was its length to the nearest millimetre?
1. area of all walls
2. - 9
3. the opposite sides of a parallelogram
4. the median of her ticket prices
5. 1189