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离婚诉讼中我要披露哪些财产?披露的要求是什么? 不披露有什么后果吗?| 澳法评

2021-03-15 来源: 澳洲法律评论 原文链接 评论0条

想要离婚以及正在离婚诉讼中的朋友们都非常关注财产分割的问题。我们团队撰写了很多文章讨论财产分割。今天Auslaw Partners澳和律业实习律师助理周小凡(Luna)给大家分享一下,在离婚诉讼中,需要向法庭披露哪些财产,以及披露的要求和后果。





1. 房产

2. 公司股份

3. 退休金

4. 家庭信托

5. 工资收入

6. 车

7. 银行账户

8. 其他资产




2004年《家庭法规则》第十三章对于披露的要求有明确的规定:离婚诉讼双方必须对财产进行全面及真实(Full and Frank)的披露。

1. 关于房产的披露要求是您名下的所有资产,并且包括过去12个月内房产的出售,转让以及赠与。

2. 公司财产包括工资,股份,分红。

3. 退休金包括您名下的所有退休金。

4. 家庭信托需要披露财务报表以及家庭信托合同。

5. 工资收入。您需要提供雇佣合同,工资单以及退税证明。

6. 机动车,您名下持有的所有机动车都需要披露。

7. 银行账户。您需要披露您名下的所有银行账户的对账单。

8. 其他资产。包括您的海外投资等等。

离婚诉讼中我要披露哪些财产?披露的要求是什么? 不披露有什么后果吗?| 澳法评 - 1


(a) the party’s earnings, including income that is paid or assigned to another party, person or legal entity;


可见,对于收入的这三种转让方式都需要披露。那有没有可能转钱出去还不需要披露呢?答案是否定的。根据法律规定,任何的出售,转让,包括赠与,都是需要进行全面及真实(Full and Frank)的披露。




1. 拒绝许可使用该信息或文件作为证据;或者

2. 保留或驳回全部或部分案件的诉讼请求;或者

3. 诉讼费用由不披露方承担;或者

4. 因未公开文件或违反承诺而被判藐視法庭罪,可处以罚款或监禁。

离婚诉讼中我要披露哪些财产?披露的要求是什么? 不披露有什么后果吗?| 澳法评 - 2


What property should I disclose in the divorce proceedings?

What are the disclosure requirements?

Are there any consequences for not disclosure?

People who want to get a divorce and who are in divorce proceedings are very concerned about the issue of property division. Our team has written many articles discussing property division. Today, Auslaw Partners’s intern, Zhou Xiaofan (Luna) will share with you what property need to be disclosed to the court in divorce proceedings, as well as the requirements and consequences of not disclosure.


What property needs to be disclosed?

According to the 2004 Family Law Rules, if parties are in the divorce proceedings, they are obliged to disclose their own property.

The properties that need to be disclosed includes but is not limited to:

1. Real Property

2. Share Portfolio

3. Superannuation

4. Family Trust

5. Income

6. Motor Vehicles

7. Bank account

8. Other assets


What are the disclosure requirements?

Many people care about the disclosure requirements of family law. They want to know to what extent they need to disclose. In other words, can I hide part of the property, but not violate the laws and regulations?

However, Chapter 13 of the 2004 Family Law Rules has clear requirements for disclosure: A party to a financial case must make full and frank disclosure of the party’s financial circumstances, including:

离婚诉讼中我要披露哪些财产?披露的要求是什么? 不披露有什么后果吗?| 澳法评 - 3

1. The disclosure requirements for real property are all assets under your name, and include the sale, transfer and gift of real property in the past 12 months.

2. Company shares and dividends.

3. The superannuation includes all pensions under your name.

4. Family trusts need to disclose financial statements and family trust contracts.

5. Income. You need to provide the employment contract, payroll and taxation returns.

6. Motor vehicles.

7. Bank account. You need to disclose the statements of all bank accounts under your name.

8. Other assets, including your overseas investment and so on.

Through the above regulations, we can see that the family law has very strict disclosure requirements and covers all possible assets. Many readers wonder, if I transfer the property to my family, friends or lend it to other people, can I not disclose these assets?

Here, I would like to share with you the original provisions of the law:

(a) the party’s earnings, including income that is paid or assigned to another party, person or legal entity;

In order to explain this section, I would like to share following examples. The relationship between the husband and wife is in divorce proceedings. After the divorce, the husband has paid the woman $10,000 (this$10,000 needs to be disclosed). The wife paid her parents' support of $50,000 (this $50,000 needs to be disclosed). The man transferred $100,000 to the legal entity (this $100,000 also needs to be disclosed). 

It can be seen that all three types of transfers of income need to be disclosed. Is it possible to transfer money out without disclosure? The answer is no. According to the law, any sale, transfer, including gift, need to be disclosed.


Are there any consequences for non-disclosure?

Chapter 13 of the Family Law Rules 2004 clearly stipulates that non-disclosure may have the following four consequences:

1.  must not offer the document, or present evidence of its contents, at a hearing or trial without the other party’s consent or the court’s permission; or

2. the court may stay or dismiss all or part of the party’s case; or

3. may be ordered to pay costs; or

4. may be guilty of contempt for not disclosing the document.

If you want to know more about the detailed regulations on disclosure, welcome to add WeChat: auslawreview02.

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