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2023-10-17 来源: 洋遇古风工作室 评论1条


墨尔本召开2023天府书展海外分展 - 1

From October 13 to 16, 2023, the 2023 Tianfu Book Fair Overseas Exhibition, organized by Sichuan Publishing and Distribution Group and hosted by China International Book Trading Corporation, held various events simultaneously in eight countries: Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore.

位于澳大利亚墨尔本的分展场展览了四川主题图书及相关文创产品,同时开展了读书会、书法体验、糖画体验等丰富多彩的文化活动尽显 “共享书香 互鉴文明” 的书展年度主题,吸引了大批当地市民前来观展。

The Melbourne exhibition showcased Sichuan-themed books and related cultural products, while also hosting a wide range of cultural activities, such as book sharing meeting, traditional Chinese calligraphy experiences, and sugar painting experiences. These activities highlighted the annual theme of the book fair, 'Sharing Literary Culture, Mutual Learning of Civilizations' and attracted a large number of local residents to visit.

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The Melbourne subsidiary venue is located in the city center of Melbourne and is organized by Yangyu Chinese Cultural Studio. This event combines Sichuan-themed bamboo and panda decorations with the book fair. It features a variety of engaging activities such as making Sichuan sugar paintings, learning to 'write Chengdu and draw pandas' with a brush, and Sichuan cuisine-themed book sharing meeting. These activities, filled with fun and vitality, foster a reading atmosphere and further enhance the local community's understanding of Sichuan culture.

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洋遇古风工作室是墨尔本首家线下汉服店,墨尔本首家古风工作室。经营范围包括汉服售卖,传统服饰租赁,承办各类古风主题商业活动等, 活动内容包含手工民俗体验,汉服走秀,儿童传统文化特色课程,传统 仪式承办(汉婚,周岁礼,成人礼等),古风主题Party,非遗手工Workshop等。其核心团队精通舞蹈,书法,民乐,妆造,茶艺,香道,二十余项非遗工艺等,是维洲迄今涵盖内容最丰富的中华文化类机构。(联系方式:微信号YYCCS77)

墨尔本召开2023天府书展海外分展 - 4

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