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2023-02-16 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


Inspection Certificate for Exports to Sudan


We inspect, test and verify goods imported into Sudan, under Article 5 of the Constitutional Law of theSudanese Standards and Metrology Organization (SSMO).

To verify that the goods are compliant with the relevant SSMO standards or other international standards recognized by the Republic of Sudan.

Based on this verification,we can help u get anInspection Certificate (IC)which is presented to the Sudanese authorities.

SSMO Regulated Products

Goods regulated under the SSMO program include, but are not limited to, the following categories of product:

· Food

· Chemical products

· Construction materials

· Vehicles and vehicles parts

· Textiles

· Toys

· Electric and electronic products

In case of doubt, please contact us to determine if your products are subject to regulation.

Sudan Conformity Assessment Process

We provides efficient tailor-made Verification of Conformity services to help exporters comply with the SSMO program. These include:

· Documentary verification

· Laboratory testing

· Physical cargo inspection in the exporting country www.gjlad.com

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