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2023-04-13 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

AI has been transforming the world in numerous ways, including helping people in creative tasks such as drawing and voice acting. In this article, we will discuss two areas where AI has made impressive progress that might interest a great many people: AI-based drawing tools and voice-over applications.

Let's start with AI-based drawing tools. Over the years, there has been a growing demand for better and faster ways to create professional-looking illustrations, animations, and graphics for content creators, publishers, and businesses. Thankfully, AI has made that possible with amazing drawing tools such as Deep Dream, which generates realistic images by identifying patterns and textures, and RunwayML, a creative studio that offers an excellent library of AI-powered graphic tools.

Using these AI-based drawing tools is straightforward: select a drawing style or pre-trained model, or create a custom sketch, and the machine learning algorithm takes over, creating beautiful images based on your inputs in a matter of seconds. They are easy to learn, effective, and suitable for all levels of users, from beginners to professionals.

Moving on to AI-powered voice acting. It is no secret that voice-over is one of the most critical aspects of storytelling, yet finding the right voice talent that fits a specific character or project can be challenging, time-consuming, and often expensive. That's where AI-powered voice acting tools come in handy, offering a quicker, cheaper, and more efficient way of creating voice-over recordings. Tools such as Lyrebird, Resemble AI, and Google's Tacotron 2 offer a breathtaking level of realistic human-like speech, making it hard to distinguish between AI-generated voices and actual human voices.

The process of creating AI-generated voice recordings is relatively straightforward: select a voice model, type in the dialogues, and let the software do the rest. These AI-powered tools can adjust the tone, emotion, speed, and accent to match the project's requirements, providing countless voice variations and languages.

In conclusion, AI-powered drawing tools and voice-over applications represent a significant step forward in the creative industry, offering a wide array of benefits to artists, content creators, and businesses. These tools are fast, efficient, and cost-effective, allowing users to produce professional-grade illustrations and voice recordings with ease. It is easy to see why AI-driven solutions are becoming increasingly popular, and we can expect more innovative and exciting applications in the future.




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