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China Daily: Largest annual ESG conference comes to Shanghai

1个月前 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


ESG Global Leaders Conference will be held in Shanghai's Huangpu district from October 16 to 18. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Global Leaders Conference, the industry's largest annual summit to its fourth edition this year, will be held in Shanghai's Huangpu district from October 16 to 18, the district's press office said on Tuesday.

Inviting over 800 guests, including international organizations' heads and industry leaders, as well as environmental experts consisting of Nobel Prize winners, scholars and professionals, the conference will be further divided into seven forums, touching upon hot topics of carbon emission peaking, carbon neutrality, green finance, sustainable consumption, technology and public welfare.

A global initiative addressing the pressing tasks in ESG development will be released during the conference.

Apart from showcasing the best ESG practices up to date, this year's conference will pay special attention to ESG information disclosure, the security of global water resources, corporate social responsibility, ESG costs and artificial intelligence's role in promoting regional equality concerning education resources.

More industry leaders and financial institutions may be introduced to Shanghai via the upcoming conference to further stimulate direct investment in related industries and boost green development, said municipal government officials.

Inaugurated in 2021, the ESG Global Leaders Conference has attracted the participation of over 360 domestic and overseas guests over the previous editions, including nine Nobel Prize winners, 80 scholars, 68 company executives and 69 representatives of international organizations.

Chinese online media company Sina and state-owned financial conglomerate CITIC Group will be the organizers of the conference.

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